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Low-Cost Private Schools in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .

Technical Brief | September 25, 2020

The front page of a technical brief titled "Low-Cost Private Schools in the DRC." Includes an image of a teacher instructing students sitting outside.

The USAID- and UK Aid-funded ACCELERE!1 project addresses the emergence and challenges facing Low-Cost Private Schools (LCPS) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). LCPS are key partners in and improving student outcomes.

This technical brief presents the background on the emerging picture of Low-Cost Private Schools (LCPS) in low-income countries, and the DRC in particular. It also provides an overview of the lessons learned from the USAID- and UK Aid-funded ACCELERE!1 project about non-state schools in the DRC. It finally presents recommendations for implementing partners who will be working with LCPS in the future.